Graduation Requirements

Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree

The Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree is offered to students who satisfactorily complete a four-year course of study outlined under their major field of concentration. In addition, a student must;

  1. Complete at least 120 credit hours, including courses required for general education requirements and their degree.
  2. Earn at least a 2.00 grade point average at Clarity Christian College.
  3. Receive at least a “C-” in all courses required in their major field.
  4. Complete at least two semesters in residence at Clarity Christian College, including the last semester of the senior year.
  5. Complete a Petition for Graduation in the Records Office at least by the end of the drop/add period of the semester of anticipated graduation.
  6. Settle all financial obligations to the College.
  7. Attend Commencement activities if enrolled the spring semester

Second-semester sophomores will receive a graduation completion plan from the Records Office. The graduation completion plan  lists both completed courses and courses to be completed for the specific major and minor.

Associate of Biblical Studies Degree

The Associate of Biblical Studies degree is offered to students who satisfactorily complete one of the two-year courses of study. In addition, a student must;

  1. Complete at least 60 credit hours, including courses required for general education requirements and his degree.
  2. Receive at least a “C-” in all courses required in his major field.
  3. Earn at least a 2.00 grade point average at Clarity Christian College.
  4. Complete at least two semesters in residence at Clarity Christian College, including the last semester.
  5. Complete a Petition for Graduation in the Records Office at least by the end of the drop/add period of the semester of anticipated graduation.
  6. Settle all financial obligations to the College.
  7. Attend Commencement activities if enrolled the spring semester.


The Major in Pastoral Ministry is designed to equip students with the knowledge and understanding to formulate a philosophy of ministry that addresses biblical and theological foundations. This major provides a sound base in Pastoral Theology, Christian Leadership and the tools required to administer and lead a church in a pastoral position.


The Missions Major is designed to equip students with the knowledge and understanding of engaging in missions around the world, the contextualization of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in various cultural settings, and countering false religions with the truth of the Gospel. Students will acquire the necessary skills to actively pursue and fulfill their calling to global missions in obedience to the Great Commission.


The Worship Major is designed to equip students with knowledge and understanding of analyzing and effectively doing ministry in the 21st Century with regards to the music, multimedia interaction, social media, audio and video production, and other creative and interactive church and ministry community engagement. Students will acquire the skills necessary in modern ministry and worship applications that strengthen church and other ministry and evangelistic efforts.


The Christian School Education Major is designed for those who would like to prepare for such careers as:

  • Christian School Teacher
  • Homeschool Coordinator
  • Education Pastor
  • Private School Administrator


Eighty-five percent of everyone who ever comes to faith in Christ does so between the ages of 4 and 14.  The vast majority of pastors and missionaries on the field today say that they first sensed a call to ministry before their fifteenth birthday.  Clarity Christian College is committed to equipping men and women to effective ministry in this strategic and fertile mission field.


Some have asserted that the youth of today are the church of tomorrow.  Others (including us!) believe that they are the church of today.  Clarity Christian College is the place to be if you believe that God has called you to evangelize and disciple young people.


Just as Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry have their own unique distinctives and challenges, so does ministry to Adults in our modern world.  While the message is timeless, the focus and methods for effective ministry to adults of all ages changes rapidly and requires specialized training.